Sports, Recreation and Active Living Start up fuding in Victoria
Tuesday 3 August 2021
If you have an idea for a sports, recreation, or active living business, this start up program should be ideal. You did need to be in Victoria, Australia
The latest Sportstech & Active Living Pre-Accelerator program on behalf of the Australian Sport Technologies Network (ASTN) and the Global Sports Innovation Center (GSIC) powered by Microsoft is now open for appplications.
The program is again supported by LaunchVic.
As with cohort #1 and #2, ASTN/GSIC extend the opportunity and invite anyone with a sports, recreation or active living business idea to apply to our program which is scheduled to commence at the end of September and complete by early December.
You can find details about the program format including a link for interested parties to lodge an application on the ASTN website at Just to note: Victorian Startups and founders (even if not yet incorporated) are welcome to apply.
Keep informed - Sign up
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