Not much to be Proud about - an Apology to the coming generation
Tuesday 29 April 2008
On the 22nd of April I did a quick presentation at the Water Technology Breakthrough Forum hosted by The Churchill Club and IXC at the Melbourne Town Hall. Over lunch during the day we were lucky enough to have a group of seven students from Melbourne Grammar and MacRoberstons Girls High School form part of a panel that was facilitated by Richard Hames. It was a rather enlightening group. well informed about water policy and issues of an environmental nature and there was a wide perspective of views including 'the social activist', 'the interested economist' and 'business leader' who fell naturally into the roles that seem to align with their thinking. And then Richard asked a question along the lines of 'What does or is likely to motivate you to change your behaviour?' The answer of one of
the panelists concerned me greatly - 'Fear of what could happen'. Most of the other panelists nodded in agreement
Imagine that. We've done such a fine job at negatively impacting the planet through the choices we make that those who follow us are motivated by fear of the looming disaster! How proud we must all be that our arrogance, ignorance and selfishness has left the generation that follow with a fear of their future world.
Clap, clap, clap - well done to us.
Once the panel had finished I approached them and apologised for the sense of fear we have imparted upon them. Leaders often talk about 'legacy' and what our legacy to the future will be. If creating a society of people who fear for their health and safety' is what our legacy will be, we ought to hang our heads in shame!
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Thursday 31 March 2022
One of the great challenges with running any organisation is keeping it on track. Strateic Planning is not about fixed methods - it's about a focus on outcomes
Monday 11 October 2021
Interesting emerging dynamic about to land on the shop fronts of Australian retailers that pose serious risks to their staff. And few retailers are ready
Tuesday 7 September 2021
You'll have seen, heard or read some of my thoughts on the lab grown proteins from firms like #ImpossibleFoods or #BeyondMeat. Now the food we eat is a direct climate change contributor and for anyone in those sectors, you need to play for the change that is most definitely coming