Australia's 2020 Future - the Futurist's report goes 'live' tomorrow
Thursday 17 April 2008
Some of Australia's leading futurists gathered in Melbourne in March to provide a specialist Futures approach to addressing the Australia 2020 Summit in Canberra. The outcome of that Summit and the development that subsequently followed has led to the creation of the report 'Australia 2020 Futurists Summit' that has worked through each of the ten themes highlighted by Prime Minister Rudd
The report has been under a media embargo until the 19th of April so as not to be clumped in with the deluge of media releases, white papers and industry dinners all trying to infuence the thinking of the 1000 delegates attending the Prime Minister's Summit.
Conveynor of the Futurists Summit, Strategic Futurist and Director of Looking Up Feeling Good Pty Ltd, Marcus Barber explains - "The issue for quality futures work is to be open to as many possibilities as is feasible given the time scale and resources available. Our report seeks to take a holistic view rather than become an attempt by an industry or stakeholder group with a vested interest to shape the direction of thinking. We sought to include the thinking of the vested interests but only as a means to assess how they are likely to respond to change"
The Futurists report drew on the inputs of a number of co-contributors: Marcus Barber of Looking Up Feeling Good; Charles Brass of the Futures Foundation; Maree Conway of Thinking Futures; Josh Floyd, researcher, educator and consultant; Anita Kelleher of Designer Futures; John McBride of Strategic Futures Concepts; Stephen McGrail of Futureye; Rowena Morrow of Prospective Services; Luke Naismith of Knowledge Futures; and Andrew Wynberg a specialist in energy policy.
You can request a copy of the report here
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