Strategic Futurists; Value Systems Specialists
Getting Your Future Right - Your Personal Plan to a Better Life
Thursday 6 September 2012
The first print run has arrived and is now available for sale. It will be going up on the main book seller sites in the next few days or you can contact us here for a direct purchase request.
The book is designed to give you a step by step guide for planning a better life. Or if you prefer to just make a few tweaks here or there, each chapter acts as a self contained 'unit' of information that should assist you. I'm quite excited by the final product which is part guide book, part work book. Thanks to everyone who offered advice and insights along the way
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Two Years on - Planning never ends
Thursday 31 March 2022
One of the great challenges with running any organisation is keeping it on track. Strateic Planning is not about fixed methods - it's about a focus on outcomes
Thursday 31 March 2022
One of the great challenges with running any organisation is keeping it on track. Strateic Planning is not about fixed methods - it's about a focus on outcomes
High Risk Play for Australian Retailers Opening in a Covid19 Constrained Environment
Monday 11 October 2021
Interesting emerging dynamic about to land on the shop fronts of Australian retailers that pose serious risks to their staff. And few retailers are ready
Monday 11 October 2021
Interesting emerging dynamic about to land on the shop fronts of Australian retailers that pose serious risks to their staff. And few retailers are ready
Why Climate Change Intervention is WAY Easier than We Think
Tuesday 7 September 2021
You'll have seen, heard or read some of my thoughts on the lab grown proteins from firms like #ImpossibleFoods or #BeyondMeat. Now the food we eat is a direct climate change contributor and for anyone in those sectors, you need to play for the change that is most definitely coming
Tuesday 7 September 2021
You'll have seen, heard or read some of my thoughts on the lab grown proteins from firms like #ImpossibleFoods or #BeyondMeat. Now the food we eat is a direct climate change contributor and for anyone in those sectors, you need to play for the change that is most definitely coming